Tuesday 4 October 2011

Welcome to my blog / Week one: Depth of field

So... I started a photography class last week after months (for months read years) of procrastination. I have finally run out of excuses - my photography isn't going to get any better if I don't commit a decent amount of time and heart to it.

So here goes... 15 weeks x 3 hours per week (and the rest) = 45 hours worth of trigger happy joy - what's not to love?

I've a feeling I'm not going to be the most eloquent of bloggers by the way, so hopefully my work will speak for itself. I'm hoping to chart my progress in class through this blog... in reality I'll probably just use it to vent my frustration when I start losing my mind to white balance, f-stops, metering, vignetting, bracketing...
The first thing I learned in class? Exposure compensation. Totally by accident. Turns out I had set my camera to consistently underexpose my aperture priority shots. Oops. Well at least I finally know what that funny little symbol means - I've a feeling this will happen a lot over the next few weeks as I get to grips with the intricacies of my beloved Canon 1000d.

So, this week's assignment was to experiment with depth of field and provide some examples of shots we have taken with small and large DOF... et voila:

Fairy light bokeh - small DOF

City centre shutter - small DOF
Dicentra / bleeding hearts - small DOF

Manchester manhole cover - Northern Quarter - small DOF

Aleksandr - small DOF
Bosherston lily ponds - Pembrokeshire - large DOF

Table Mountain - Cape Town - South Africa - large DOF


Gill Burnett said...

What a great start Kate ! Look forward to following your progress. But it all looks fine to me anyway , lol, particularly like the fairy lights!

Anonymous said...

That Meerkat photo makes me smile every time I look at it =)

Digital Literacy said...

Great work Kate. I really like the first image and its trendy bokeh look. You should some how information for the others to try.

Terry said...

Love the fairy lights and dicentra photos Kate. Tried the bokeh effect with a star shaped cut-out last christmas but didn't produce any shots as good as this! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks guys, I've tried to write a custom bokeh tutorial: http://kateald.blogspot.com/2011/10/custom-bokeh.html