Sunday 16 October 2011

RRRAW - first foray into Photoshop

This week I took my first ever shots in RAW and there's no going back... 4,000 brightness levels versus 256 is a no-brainer but the resulting file size is going to play havoc with my trigger happy tendencies. Methinks I might need to purchase an enormo-memory card.

I've always had an issue with Photoshop. I can tinker with contrast, brightness and saturation levels but I reckon I only understand about 1% of what it can do. There are too many windows, toolbars, buttons, sub-buttons hiding inside other buttons... it scares me.

I planned to get out on campus and take some dramatic wide angle RAW shots of the Whitworth Building but Manchester did what it does best ALL week so I'm afraid I ended up with a pot plant instead.

This week's class was a real eye-opener for me. Here's the results of manipulating the RAW image in Photoshop:

Applying an s-curve accentuates the highlights and lowlights

A more extreme s-curve creates a retro feel

Playing around with saturation levels, picking up on the red edges of the plant

As before but this time picking up on the green in the image

Just for fun ;)

1 comment:

Digital Literacy said...

Tinker taylor..... the amazing results of camera RAW and curves have taken you by storm I see. There are endless possibilities with these tools and in relation to creativity they are a dream to work with. Enjoying the work.