Monday, 19 December 2011

Frames in conversation - progress...

So, I started my 'Frames in conversation' project this week... and much to my surprise, I have fallen a little bit in love with it :)

I think the reason I love this project so much is that the models who have sat for me so far are some of my closest friends - and the next phase will involve my nearest and dearest family members. It has become a very personal project and I never necessarily intended it to be.

Here are the results of the first couple of sittings earlier this week (thank you Emily and Ruth for being so wonderful):

I discovered a similar project this week called '5 second faces' by Danny St and Fleecircus. This is a street photography project which aims to capture the various characters that roam the streets of Singapore. Armed with an illustration board for a makeshift background, they approached strangers with distinct faces, asking "Can we take your picture? It'll just take 5 seconds..."

I love this idea - it's something I might follow up on in Manchester after the course has finished in the spring. If anyone would like to help me out - I need someone to hold the boards at least - holler :)


Barbara Millard said...

A guy from Staffs uni was doing the same thing on Stoke station a few weeks ago. Don't think anybody refused him (including me)!

Anonymous said...

I think this is going to be an awesome theme! I really like your first two

Terry said...

These are great Kate! I'll hold your board!

lucy said...

These look great Kate. I'd be happy to help (if needed) after the course finishes. I think good old social media would help spread the word and help find lots of interesting subjects to shoot!