So, this course definitely isn't going to be a walk in the park; I have to do some actual work. Which is great actually, because it will help to focus my photography on themes and techniques that interest me, rather than just taking 'nice' photographs of things I come across. It will make me seek things out and experiment more.
I've started to think about a couple of potential project themes and look for some inspiration...
I've always feared portrait photography. For some reason this makes me want to choose portraiture as one of my themes (I do wonder about my psyche sometimes). I want to challenge myself in this course and some of the most evocative photography I've seen is portrait photography.
I came across an incredible French photographer, Richard Vantielcke. This photograph blew me away:
l'abysse aussi regarde au fond de toi (the abyss also looks inside you) |
I love it - the perspective, the subject, the use of light... just beautiful.
Another area I'm interested in is street photography. Again I've always been hopeless/gutless when it comes to pointing my camera at someone I don't know. I love the honesty of street photography - it's raw and it captures a moment that might have passed a hundred people by, but you've seen it - and seen something special in it.
I mean this is brilliant - the balance of the poster, the child, the passer by; different directions; ages. I love this. Who else would have spotted this but Felix that day?
Then I think do I want to do two themes which terrify me? Probably not a great idea... but it would stretch me, which is the whole point of this course.
Another option is nature. I've always loved photographing nature, both through wide angle and telephoto lenses. I am fascinated with flowers and colours. I'd love to experiment with macro photography but have never invested in a macro lens. I know you can achieve a macro effect through reversing your nifty fifty but I doubt it's anything like the same clarity and impact.
I mean this is just exquisite:
Kudos to my classmate Darren who is a dab hand at this - fantastic stuff -
check out his blog.
Choices, choices...