Thursday, 14 June 2012

Candid camera

One of my favourite parts of the day at a wedding is just after the ceremony. It's like everyone breathes a huge sigh of relief - she didn't trip over, no-one said 'take thee Rachel' by accident, no-one burst into tears - and the fun really starts...!

This is the best time for candid shots of the wedding guests - here are some of my favourites from Pandora and Oli's wedding last month:

A collection of incredibly photogenic guests, no?!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Wedding photography - Pandora and Oli

My apologies; I've rather neglected this for a while. I have however sold a house, moved house, been to Korea and got engaged, so you'll forgive me if my mind's been on other things...! Over the last few weeks I have however been just as trigger happy, if not even more so than usual:

Last month, I put on a brave face, hired one of these and photographed my first wedding.

Pandora and Oli were married on 4 May 2012 at Manchester Town Hall and took their guests on a bit of a nautical city tour before mooring at the Mark Addy for their evening reception. It was an absolute pleasure and a privilege to be trusted to capture their big day, which was every bit as brilliant as it sounds.

Here are some of my best bits...

I love a good wedding.

Your comments, suggestions, criticisms are more welcome than ever :)

Just while I'm on the subject, a quick plug for the fabulous Khan Photography who are going to be shooting our own nuptials next summer (whoop whoop!) and Aidan Murphy Photography who I have worked with at another fabulous wedding more recently (but more about that next month...)